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来源:英语环球广播 作者: 点击率:7398 发布时间:2015年03月18日

A widow named McCollum, 65, said Sunday she used to frequently visit Embankment station or plan her journeys around the stop to listen to Lawrence's voice, even before his death in 2007. She was taken aback in November when she noticed it had been replaced by a different voice.

一位65岁的孀居老太太玛格丽特,她说自己经常来河堤地铁站,出门也多会经过这个地铁站,来听到丈夫劳伦斯录制的提醒大家“MIND THE GAP”的声音,在他2007年去世之前她就经常这么做。在去年11月,当她发现丈夫劳伦斯的声音被一个不同的声音代替后,她很吃惊。

Her wish to hear her late husband's voice again has prompted London's subway system to restore a 40-year-old recording of the subway's famous "mind the gap" announcement. And finally, her dream came true.

她只希望能再听到她已故丈夫声音的愿望,然而伦敦交通局接到通报,听到了这则令人感动的故事,最后在堤岸站换回她已故丈夫版本的“MIND THE GAP”。

"After he died, I would stay on the platform, I would just sit and listen to it again," McCollum added. "It was a huge comfort. It was very special."

“他死后,我会待在站台上,就是静静地坐着再听次他的录音,” 她补充道,“这对我来说是一种很大的安慰。它很特别。”



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